Know Your Rights (KYR)
Einurð leads "Know Your Rights" (KYR) project that is supported by Erasmus+. Project objective is to produce educational and informational material for migrant workers.
Urban Gardening
Einurð is a participant in the "Urban Gardening for Youth" project supported by Erasmusplus. The Urban project is build upon an idea from New York to engage community members in growing vegetables as well as creating a platform for support and education for youth.
SE4Y (Social entrepreneurship for youth) or social innovation for youth has the objective to support and train young people in social entrepreneurship.
Re-start Aftur til starfa
Markmið RE-START verkefnisins er að byggja upp stuðningsþjónustu í gegnum netið fyrir konur sem vilja snúa aftur á vinnumarkað eftir að hafa verið heimavinnandi. Sjá heimasíðu verkefnisins:

Elva Björt Stefánsdóttir

Stefanía Kristinsdóttir

Brynjar Freyr Eggertsson